
191221 + 191222

Instagram 2019

[SCANS] UH-OH Photobook

Cãi Nhau: viết cho MinMiShu và những người thân yêu

[Random Cuteness] Soojin's giving in

191129 & 191130

[Fanacc] 192811: Cooking V-Live in Vietnam

191126 & 191127: AAA in Vietnam

191125: Welcome to Vietnam for the 1st time

(G)I-DLE Lion Fanart

[Random Cuteness] 'Minnie's not only Thai, Soyeon is also thigh'

[Random Cuteness] Queendom 2019

Minnie trong kỷ yếu Học viện Wattana Wittaya

[Fantaken] 190310-190930

190929 - KCON Thailand

[Fantaken] KCON Thailand 190929


[Random Cuteness] Soyeon's gayness & YuQi's birthday

[Screenshot] LieV 'Uh-Oh' 190706

ISAC 2018 - 2019

[Random Cuteness]180503 - 190508

190721 - 190804

[Fantaken] 190713 - 190722


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